Your Organic Bedroom Paoli Pa

Your Organic Bedroom Paoli Pa

Black Friday Sale!  All Naturepedic Mattresses are 20% off! Ends December 1st.

We are currently seeing customers by appointment. To schedule an appointment for either Store call either Doylestown 215-345-5551 or Paoli 610-647-4068. Our hours are between 11am-4pm. You can also email us at to request a specific store and a specfic time between 11am until 4pm and we will do our best to accomodate your request.

List of current Manufacturers that we show in our Stores.



Suite Sleep

Savvy Rest

Organicpedic (Paoli)

Harvest Green

Glideaway Adjustable Foundations


The Healthy and Natural Alternative Store for Luxury Organic Mattresses, Bedding, and Pillows

We have 2 Stores- Paoli and Doylestown Pa. Both Stores are currently open  by appointment. Call Doylestown Store 215-345-5551 and the Paoli Store 610-647-4068 to make an appointment.Tues-Sun11-4pm.

Beware of any company that gives you a choice of Organic Latex, Natural Latex, or Synthetic Latex! There is no way to tell the difference, nothing is stamped on the latex! You may be paying for the upgrade of Organic Latex, but there is no way to tell if your getting pure organic latex! Any facility that sells synthetic petroleum latex and Organic Latex together is suspect! Don't forget that there will definitely be cross contamination in any facility that contains chemicals along side their organic products. All our manufacturers only sell Organic Mattresses. They don't have the cheaper synthetic chemical latex because they know its unhealthy- and so do the Bed In a Box Companies! They just want to make money, even if their products will harm you.There is a reason they are so cheap! The Price looks Great, and there are affirmations of how natural and non-toxic they are. You must look very carefully at whats in those products. 100% Pure Natural Rubber only means that they have to put only at least 15% Natural Rubber in the Product. Most don't have any natural rubber latex. What is the other 85% of the so called Natural Rubber? It's the same old petroleum products packaged in a wonderful sounding healthy way! Certi-PUR Certification sounds great,natural and Green. Here's the problem, it has nothing to do with being Natural or Organic! Just check it out on Omi's website that shows all the fake certifications that are floating out on the net. These multiple certifications are one's that the Latex industry gives itself, to make them sound organic and healthy. Yet its still the old polyruethane foam or some nice sounding variant like soy,  with all the unhealthy chemicals wrapped in a healthy sounding package. You need to actually lay on the product you will be spending 10 days a month sleeping on. All Mattresses, even organic ones, feel different. Where the Latex comes from, the type of casing, all adds to the dramatic difference of feel between our Organic Products. Would you buy a car without testing it? Come and lay on our certified healthy products. You will be able to make the correct decision when you know the feel and the comfort of the product that you would love to sleep on for many years to come.

1. The Current mattress industry is a lot like the cigarette industry of the 1930's. Back then, everyone smoked because they didn't know the damage that cigarettes caused. A lot of these same carcinogenic chemicals are present in current day mattresses. Most are made primarily from petroleum by-products and then saturated with additional flame retardant chemicals so that they won't burst into flames during a fire.

2. You spend 10 days a month sleeping on your mattress. During this time your body is absorbing these chemicals, through respiration and absorption through your skin. This off gasing continues for the life of the mattress.  Even though the new smell might dissipate after several weeks, the detrimental chemicals will continue to be absorbed by your body for as long as you sleep on the mattress.

3. Kid's are even more susceptible to these chemicals. Their bones have not totally formed and many of these absorbed chemicals will be incorporated into the cartilage before it ossifies creating potential long term health issues that are not even known at this time.

4. Organic Mattresses are Healthy! They are dust mite resistent which means that many allergies from the mites are lessened by sleeping on these mattresses.

5. They are really comfortable! They have been around for almost 100 years so there is a lot of data showing their longevity and their versatility in accomodating all types of sleep habits.

6. Organic Mattresses are no more expensive than many conventional memory foam, pillow top, or luxury air mattresses found in traditional mattress stores. The big difference is that all these mattresses use toxic materials, and are saturated with flame retardants. Organic Mattresses are long lasting, healthy, and extremely comfortable, without using any toxic materials.

The Doylestown Store is located at 323 S. Main Street (rear)  Doylestown Pa 18901! (near Wawa-on the same side) 215-345-5551 or (855-Pure-Bed)Tues-Sun  11-4 by appointment

Paoli Store address is 83 E. Lancaster Ave Paoli Pa 19301 (behind Vintage home)  610-647-4068 or (855-Pure-Bed) Tues-Sun 11-4 by appointment

Always In Store 0% Financing for 12 Months for any Purchases over $1500. 0% for 6 months under $1500 (all financing subject to Credit Approval from Wells Fargo in lieu of any other store discounts.

1. Our "Certified Organic Mattresses"

Obasan is one of the oldest Organic Mattress Manufacturers in North America. We have their entire outstanding Line from Their  amazing 10" Premium, and now their new 12" Premium Plush Natural Rubber Masterpiece. Their Organic Contour Pillow is truly a must for those that have neck pain.

Omi is the most celebrated and Certified Organic Mattress Manufacturer in the United States. Their Manufacturing Facility is the First One to be a Certified Organic Manufacturing Plant.

Savvy Rest is truly an amazing Company with an amazing Organic Mattress- and they are also an employee owned Company. Their Serenity Mattress is truly Modular in that it is comprised of 3 Layers of Different Density Latex which can be changed to constuct the mattress from plush to firm! The Unity Pillowtop gives amazing support with a feather bed feel.

Naturepedic is truly the go to Company from Cribs to Kids to Adults. They have the market on Oganic Crib Mattresses, and reasonably priced kids Organic Mattresses. We have their new EOS Line, a revolutionary Modular Hybrid Mattress System. The 12" EOS Mattress combines the Luxury of a Latex Mattress with the support of  encased coils which articulate 360 degrees. The result is the best of both types of Mattesses. The EOS Pillowtop is their version of Perfection! It's a 15" Hybrid Mattress that can be made from Firm to Ultra Plush on either side so partners can truly get the feel that each require. The Chorus is a great choice for a Cushion-Firm Feel of Springs and is moderately priced at $1999 for a Queen. The Trilux is a 10" all Latex Organic Mattress that gives dual confort levels in both the queen and King.

Suite Sleep Based in Colorado, Suite Sleep Manufactures the Porfolio Organic Mattress that is a 12" Mattress of the highest quality. The Suite Vesta Organic Topper is the ultimate nesting feel.

Harvest Green 1 or 2 sided Organic Mattress in a Box. An affordable Green Organic Mattress

Does This Flame Retardant make me look Fat?*

 Many people who are committed to finding a safe, natural mattress already know that chemical flame retardants are scary stuff. Banned in Europe and in some U.S. states, hormone-altering (also called endocrine-disrupting) flame retardants have led many science headlines. Why? They're implicated in increased risks for cancer, fertility problems, and developmental brain disorders.

If those risks seem remote, here's an old-reliable motivator: vanity. The newest science suggests that endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) such as flame retardants may also be the real trigger behind the obesity epidemic. The association is becoming so clear that they've been dubbed obesogens.

Chemical flame retardants are the most common EDCs in most homes. They're found in foam-filled furniture, in most kinds of mattresses (including memory foam) and pillows, in many fabrics, and in ordinary house dust. Released continuously indoors, they also build up in the human body. Nothing has escaped the global flood of these compounds — they've even been detected in marine mammals as well as in outdoor air.

Chemicals, Schmemicals-
Because the most infamous flame retardant, PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl esters), is finally banned or being phased out, many people shopping for new mattresses or furniture have been breathing sighs of relief. Unfortunately, however, what's replacing PDBEs may be just as bad.

"Firemaster 550" has been introduced into the furniture and mattress industries as a substitute for PDBEs. It's the second most common flame retardant in use today. This product is a mixture of several chemicals, including brominated phthalates and triphenyl phosphates. Scientists are not sure which individual chemical — or combination — might be responsible for its toxic effects.

Obesogens can change the way the body metabolizes and stores fat, ultimately leading to weight gain. An animal study recently showed that those exposed to Firemaster 550 during development were more anxious, and the females entered puberty earlier. But what most shocked the researchers was that the rat pups born to the exposed pregnant or nursing mothers also became fatter than normal, by startling amounts — and stayed that way:

Increased weight gain was observed after 10 days in the males and after 3 weeks — considered adolescence — in the females. At 3 weeks, the males were 59 percent fatter and the females were 31 percent fatter. The increased weight gain persisted into adulthood. At the end of 7 months, an age when rats are considered adults, the males were 32 percent fatter and the females were 22 percent fatter. — Environmental Health News

Summing up- Taking  Action
One of the more succint and sobering responses to similar research came in a recent New York Times editorial. In his column "Warnings from a Flabby Mouse", Nicholas Kristof stated, "...endocrine disruptors may be the tobacco of our time."

When the body's natural hormone balance is altered by exposure to environmental chemicals, even slightly, long-term cycles of damage can begin. And now, both childhood and adult obesity have been added to the risks on the radar.

It's disheartening, for sure. But the good news is because now you know, you can begin to act. You may want to become involved in the politics of pollution. Or, you may be looking at your home environment in panic.

Don't panic. Just start where you can. Even small steps will make a difference. Gradually ridding your home of synthetic foams, including memory foam, is the best way to begin. And the key place to begin is where you spend the most extended time — in the bedroom. Your natural bedroom — and your baby's — will go a long way to reduce your family's exposures to flame retardants and many other suspect chemicals.* (This is from Laura's blog on Savvy Rest Web Site)

Thinking about purchasing One of those Expensive Air Mattresses? Just remember that air has moisture and mold spores in it. Guess where mold spores like to grown? In dark Moist contained areas- just like the inside of those mattresses. After a few years, there may be significant mold inside where you may be sleeping. Not to mention all the chemicals that make up the plastic shell that is used to keep all that moldy air inside the mattress. All the chemically made fancy bedding covering these mattresses can't hide the reality of what they really are. Maybe consider all natural alternatives, like the natural mattresses that are available and in many cases less expensive than the toxic luxury mattresses that are marketed to the public.

Did you ever hear any of those Huge Mattress Companies that make these toxic mattresses talk about what their products are made of? Check out the next time a mattress commercial comes on. There is a picture of a cute couple having the time of their life, or children jumping up and down. But there is never any talk of what's in the mattress. Why would they? They resort to pretty scenes because they never want you to know that what they are making is unhealthy and bad for the environment! The truth would never sell, so they just never tell the truth. There is an alternative, and it's simple, natural, good for the environment, and really, really comfortable.

Doylestown Store (215-345-5551) is open every day 11-4pm except Monday, and Sunday 12-4pm.  Paoli Store (610-647-4068) or  Toll Free (855-787-3233) is open Tues-Sat 11-4pm and Sunday 12-4pm-or by appointmen . We carry Omi and Savvy Rest, the top 2 selling and most certified natural Manufacturers in the United States. We also carry Obasan, Naturepedic,Suite Sleep. Stop by and check out how comfortable our Natural Mattresses are.



Under settlements with the Federal Trade Commission, three mattress manufacturers have agreed to stop making unsupported claims that the mattresses they sell are free of harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

In addition to challenging the companies' VOC-free claims, the FTC charged that two of the companies made unsupported claims that their mattresses were chemical-free and lacked odor.  The FTC also challenged one company's claim that its mattresses are made from 100 percent natural materials, and another company's claim that its mattresses were certified by an organic mattress organization.

In settling the FTC's charges, the companies have agreed not to make similar claims in the future, unless they have competent and reliable scientific evidence to prove they are true.  In addition, one company is barred from making misrepresentations about certifications.

VOCs are carbon-containing compounds that easily evaporate at room temperature.  Some VOCs can be harmful to human health and the environment.  Last year, the FTC brought a similar set of cases against paint companies that also advertised their products as VOC-free.

Relief-Mart , Inc.  The FTC's complaint alleges that Relief-Mart, based in Westlake Village, California, did not have and rely upon a reasonable basis to substantiate its claims that its Biogreen memory foam mattresses do not contain VOCs, have no VOC off-gassing, and lack the odors commonly associated with memory foam mattresses.

Essentia Natural Memory Foam Company, Inc . The FTC allegesthat Essentia made unsubstantiated claims that its mattresses do not contain VOCs, are chemical-free, have no chemical off-gassing or odor, and are made from 100 percent natural materials.  Moreover, the complaint alleges that Essentia claimed that tests show that its memory foam is free of VOCs and formaldehyde when, in fact, tests do not support these claims.

Ecobaby Organics, Inc.  The complaint against Ecobaby, based in San Diego, California, alleges that Ecobaby made unsubstantiated claims that its mattresses are chemical-free; formaldehyde-free; free of VOCs, such as toluene and benzene; and without toxic substances.  The complaint further alleges that the company misrepresented that its mattresses are certified by an independent third-party certifier when, in fact, the certifier is an alter ego of the company that awarded its seal to its own products without applying objective standards.   Finally, according to the complaint, Ecobaby Organics claimed that tests show that its mattresses are VOC-free, chemical-free, and Formaldehyde-free when tests do not support these claims.

We carry the 4 Most Popular Mattress Manufacturers in the USA- OMI, Savvy Rest, and Naturepedic. We also carry Obasan which is Canada's Premier Organic Manufacturer.

The Dangers of Fire Retardants in Mattresses

Antimony Trioxide (Arsenic), Boric Acid (Roach Killer),  Silicon (Silica Glass), Melamine, Formaldehyde, Decabromodiphenyl Oxide, and Ammonium Polyphosphate are the main chemicals being used by mattress manufacturers to meet federal flammability standards.

We sell  products from manufacturer that are truly non- toxic. OMI Mattresses and Bedding are produced in the nation's only large scale 100% Organic Factory. We sell Mattresses, Crib Mattresses, Pillows, Natural Rubber and Natural Wool Toppers and  Pads, and Natural Bedding. With the  flame retardant mattress regulations, most mattresses now contain toxic chemicals. Some mattresses minimize the use of such chemicals and green wash it-or make it sound natural. You can see proof , if you only look for it.  However, we do offer non- toxic and natural solutions for your sleeping needs:

There is only One way to avoid the Current flame Retardant Mattress regulations with chemicals  get
an Organic Mattress.

All  of our mattresses  use natural materials to meet  the governments mandated flame retardant requirements .

The new flameproof mattress regulation (July-07 National, Jan-05 California) requires all mattresses now withstand a severe open flame test. This requires known acutely toxic and cancer causing chemicals in or next to the surface of all mattresses. It is well known that we will absorb these chemicals every night due to offgassing.

There are labeling requirements for the products used in all Mattresses. Many major mattress manufacturers have admitted to the news media they are required to use, and do use these chemicals in their mattresses.  But most customers don't even read these labels, and if they do there is no mention about how certain chemicals contained in the mattresses can cause various ailments, and some are even to be known as carcinogenic.

Antimony (a heavy metal almost identical to Arsenic), Boric Acid (yes, the Roach Killer), Silicon (Silica Glass, a known respiratory hazard and carcinogen), Melamine, Formaldehyde, Decabromodiphenyl Oxide, and Ammonium Polyphosphate are the main chemicals used by mattress manufacturers to meet the  state and federal flammability standards.

The government has proven these chemicals leach to the surface of our mattresses and are absorbed by our bodies. They have proven we will absorb .8 mg of Antimony, and .08 mg of Boric Acid every day. We know Antimony accumulates in our bodies, is acutely toxic, and also causes cancer.

Many doctors say this is not safe. Many people do not want to absorb poisons nightly to avoid a one in 1.111 million mattress fire risk. Many people have already gotten sick. Dr. Lawrence A. Plumlee, MD, says: "How many are intolerant who don't know why they can't sleep or feel bad?"

There are now few conventional mattresses that are free of toxic chemicals.

But, we do offer you solutions that are truly natural.

 Natural Rubber Latex Beds have been manufactured for over 90 years under various labels for customers worldwide.

We strongly oppose these national flameproof mattress regulations because the risk outweighs the benefit. We think it is a very serious health risk. Many doctors agree. Sleepers and workers are already getting sick. These should be strong warning signs for the rest of us. Workers complained early on of Asbestos health effects, but no one listened. It took 40 years and hundreds of thousands of deaths to prove Asbestos harmful. A relatively small percentage of our population was exposed to Asbestos, but everyone sleeps on a mattress. We continue to make toxic mistakes. We ban one flame retardant chemical after another, after we find human harm. What will we learn in the next 40 years? How many millions of Americans will die slow painful deaths from the long term effects of poison mattresses?

We hope you will help get the word out on the truth about the toxic chemicals now being added to mattresses. Although the issue had made some news it is not enough. Almost all mattress manufactures and retailers continue to tell people there are no harmful chemicals in mattresses, There are labeling requirements. But most people still don't know or find it hard to believe it could be that bad.  it is.


Many conventional mattresses have become "chemical mattresses."  The increase of the use of chemical fire-retardants in many conventional inner-spring mattresses is a result of compliance with the federal open-flame mattresses standards.  Mattresses must now be able to resist an open-flame applied directly to the top and side for 70 seconds.  Mark Strobel, director the People For Clean Beds organization, says "that treating these mattresses to pass the blowtorch, open-flame test would require that mattresses be treated with known acutely toxic and cancer-causing chemicals—particularly boric acid, also known as roach killer, as well as antimony, which is a heavy metal almost identical to arsenic."

 OPEN SINCE 2007, and now at our  Location at  323 S. Main Street (rear) Doylestown Pa 18901)  OUR MAIN LINE STORE  AT 83 LANCASTER AVE SUITE 1 PAOLI PA. 19301 BEHIND VINTAGE HOME PARKING LOT (ITS IN THE BACK!)  -CLOSE TO PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE, NEW JERSEY AND KING OF PRUSSIA.          WE DELIVER AND SHIP EVERYWHERE! 215-345-5551 (DOYLESTOWN) or 610-647-4068, 855-PURE-BED 855-787-3233 (PAOLI). Did You know that Organic Mattresses are Natural,Hypoallergenic, Organic Rubber Latex, Organic Cotton, Wool, and Best of all are really comfortable. We sell, Naturepedic , Savvy Rest Mattresses, Obasan Mattresses, OMI Organic Mattresses, and The Little Lamb Mattress for kids. We also sell O rganic sheets, Natural Pillows, Natural Wool Toppers, Natural Latex Toppers, and Organic Baby Crib Mattresses. No Un-natural fire-retardants found in anything we sell. Natural Crib Mattresses, Natural Twin Mattresses, Natural Full Mattresses, Natural Queen Mattresses, Natural King Mattresses. Natural Spring Mattresses, Natural Latex Mattresses, Organic Cotton Mattresses, and Organic Wool Mattresses. Wool is the "Natural" flame retardant used in Our Mattresses. Wool also helps to regulate the body's temperature while you sleep. Organic mattresses are dust mite resistant. People with Asthma and allergies do very well switching to a natural mattress. Make Your Organic Bedroom a safe haven for health. Organic Mattresses are the best way to get healthy sleep.Organic Sheets, Organic Pillows, and Organic Blankets are also important accesories to ensure safe sleep.  Don't forget that your children need to sleep Organic! . Obasan 7" Organic Twin Mattress is $1095 .


SACHI KAPOK PILLOWS ARE AWESOME AND ARE MADE FROM THE RENEWABLE AMAZON KAPOK PLANT! (Feels like Down) but grows like cotton but wicks moisture like wool. and dosen't Harm any animals!

We have the 2 most Popular and best selling Organic Mattresses in the USA.

Savvy Rest and Naturepedic. Both are made in the USA and are truly Organic!

Come in and try mattresses that are not only healthy but really comfortable and have a 20 year limited warranty!

We also sell eco-friendly platform beds from Bed Works of Maine, and Vermont Furniture Design. All are custom made to order and all are made from kiln dried hard wood that is natural.

 Call Mike or Amy for details.215-345-5551(Doylestown or 610-647-4068,855-Pure-Bed- 855-787-3233 (Paoli)                                         -


What is Dunlop versus Natural Talalay Latex? There's a lot of confusion about the meaning of Dunlop and Talalay. They are neither types of latex nor types of rubber trees, but types of processing. Dunlop is a process that's been around since 1929 and involves the traditional manufacturing method. Talalay is the name of a newer process. Here's how they differ. Dunlop- When Dunlop is made, the serum is frothed in a centrifuge, poured into a mold, covered and baked at a low temperature. The natural sediments in the latex settle to the bottom of the mold, which yields a layer that is slightly firmer on the bottom side. Talalay- In the Talalay process, after the latex is poured, the mold is sealed and air is vacuumed out. Then the mold is flash frozen to stabilize the material. This produces a more consistent cell structure, as some of the weaker air bubbles are vacuumed out. Because of the added steps, Talalay is more expensive than Dunlop. Most manufacturers (including OMI and Savvy Rest )  use Natural Talalay Latex and/or Dunlop latex in their various Mattresses.  Both materials make a great mattress and are extremely Pure. Only nature is found in any of our mattresses.

Call us: 215-345-5551 (855-PureBed) and Sleep Healthy. Your Organic Bedroom 323 S Main Street (rear) Doylestown Pa. 18901 and 83 E. Lancaster Ave. Paoli Pa 19301. 610-647-4068    or   855-787-3233



WE HAVE THE #1 and #2 SELLING Organic Mattresses in the USA-Largest Dealer in the Tri-State Area

The Eco-Friendly Natural Mattress, Pillow, Sheets, Towels, and Bedding Boutique!
 All Our Pillows are Natural-

FOLLOW YOUR NOSE! "The smell that kept me awake at my parent's house is a cocktail of chemicals, including volatile natural compounds (VOC'S), which are associated with skin irritation and respiratory problems".Laura Frazer-Opra Magazine 11-2011.

Walter Bader, author of "Sleep Safe in a Toxic World" and co-founder of Organicpedic Mattresses, sent a conventional mattress to a lab that measured its emissions and found 61 VOC'S. "Mattresses are like cigarettes were in the 1930's," Bader says. "Completely unregulated and everyone thinks they're safe." Laura Fraser Opra Magazine 11-2011

-2011 "If i had a $5,000 Budget, I'd be on a virtuous mattress made by Organicpedic." Laura Fraser article in The Opra Magazine 11-2011(We carry Organicpedic Mattresses at our store in Doylestown)

You spend 1/3 of your life sleeping, so it is important to sleep on healthy natural materials. Studies show conventional mattresses off-gas unhealthy chemicals from petroleum based synthetics like polyurethane, toxic fire retardants, adhesives, glues, dyes and finishes (formaldehyde).

Sleep on a mattress that is made with only healthy natural materials. Our natural mattresses use only 100% Organic Cotton, Organic Wool and all natural Talalay and Organic Dunlop Rubber Latex made by leading natural mattress manufacturers.

Visit our showroom today in Doylestown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and  in Paoli, Chester County.Both are Conveniently located close to Philadelphia, New Jersey,New York, Maryland,  and Delaware. We are open everyday except on Mondays. If you need an appointment at a special time-we will accomodate your schedule. Don't Live close by? We can ship anywhere!

Your Organic Bedroom Paoli Pa


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